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Blacktown serves up food safety tips

28 Oct 2019

Food safety will be on the menu when Blacktown City Council hosts a Retail and Food Service Information Session on Thursday 7 November 2019.

NSW Food Authority CEO Dr Lisa Szabo is encouraging local retail food business operators to come along to the event

"Food safety is the top priority of the NSW Food Authority and having direct contact like this is an effective way to open dialogue between us, retail food businesses and council Environmental Health Officers, who are responsible for the inspections of food retail premises," Dr Szabo said.

Dr Szabo said the meeting is one of a series of regular consultation events the NSW Food Authority holds across the state, and is an opportunity for local food businesses to learn how best to capitalise on their excellent reputation.

"Blacktown really is a jewel in the crown of NSW food safety, you have a wonderful and diverse food scene and the council and local businesses have been long term participants and supporters of the Scores on Doors food hygiene and safety rating program," Dr Szabo said.

"I am thrilled to say that 638 food businesses in the Blacktown area hold a 5 star rating, meaning they have achieved the highest standard when assessed by council’s food safety inspectors, this is a result to be proud of.

"There are more than 1200 food businesses in the Blacktown area eligible to join the program and I would love to see all of them join the Scores on Doors program and reap the benefits."

"It’s a simple way to tell your customers you take food safety and their health seriously.

"It’s a point of difference and a great marketing opportunity that costs a business nothing extra."

There will also be presentations on food handling skills and knowledge, instilling a food safety culture in the workplace, and a presentation by Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia on responsibilities regarding food allergen management.

"This meeting is a chance for food business operators to come along and learn about food safety regulations and also for them to have their say," Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale said.

"It involves a panel discussion where business operators will have the chance to ask questions or raise ideas, issues or concerns with experts directly.

"We are incredibly proud of Blacktown City’s wonderful diverse selection of food outlets, improving food safety standards, reducing foodborne illness and driving consumer confidence in the sector is of vital importance to our community.

"I encourage local food operators and their staff to come along."

The Retail and Food Service Information Session will be held at Atura Blacktown on Thursday 7 November 2019 from 9.30am – 12pm.