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This website (based at and associated publishing systems contain information, data, documents, pages, images, application and script code, branding and collections of styles (“the material”) prepared by the NSW Food Authority.

Examples include web pages, factsheets, guides and food safety program templates.

The material is subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and is owned by the State of New South Wales through the NSW Food Authority.

The Food Authority encourages the availability, dissemination and exchange of public information. It retains copyright but grants the following licences to use material.


You may link to any page or document on this website without further permission. We welcome incoming links.

Copy and use

Except for logos, banding devices and styles or if noted otherwise on individual material you may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with the material for any purpose on the condition that you include on all uses the copyright notice:

© State of New South Wales through the NSW Food Authority

Where material from the Food Authority has been adapted or augmented, you should include the notice:

* Includes material © State of New South Wales through the NSW Food Authority, sourced from NSW Food Authority,

Copy to another website

Except for logos, branding devices and styles or if noted otherwise on individual material, you may publish the material to another website, however if you publish an entire document or publication, the Food Authority recommends you to make a direct link to this website to ensure that the latest version is always displayed.

Logos, advertising

You must first obtain permission from the Food Authority if you wish to:

  • include all or part of the material in advertising, or
  • use logos, branding devices or styles of the NSW Food Authority, NSW Government or any branded program run by the NSW Food Authority or NSW Government other than as an integral part of the original material.

Request permission

To obtain such permission, please write to:


Manager Customer Service, Strategy & Operations
NSW Food Authority
PO Box 6682
Silverwater NSW 1811

External material

These permissions do not extend to copyright in the material on this website that is owned by others or on websites which are linked to or from the Food Authority’s website.

The NSW Government strongly recommends that you refer to the copyright statements at those sites before making use of those materials.


Referencing material

The following approaches to citing material on the Food Authority’s website might be useful:


web pages NSW Food Authority (2014 [date per bottom of web page]), ‘Pregnancy & food safety’, NSW Food Authority, Newington, accessed 1 January 2014,
documents Fresh Tastes at School (2009), Food safety in school canteens, factsheet, NSW Health, Sydney & NSW Food Authority, Newington, accessed 6 August 2010,
media releases Hodgkinson K (Minister for Primary Industries) (2011), Don’t wipe your hands of food safety, media release, 19 September 2011, Office of the Minister for Primary Industries, Sydney, accessed 20 September 2011,
presentations Szabo L (2010) An introduction to Listeria: public health and all the fuss?, slide presentation to ‘Dealing with Listeria in the processed meat & poultry industries summit, 8 July 2010, NSW Food Authority, Newington, accessed 6 August 2010,
multimedia and other resources Remember the golden rules of food safety (2007), video, NSW Food Authority, Newington, accessed 6 August 2010,