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Chicken processor falls foul of food safety laws

3 Jul 2017

A Sydney chicken producer was convicted and fined a total of $34,000 and ordered to pay more than $6,000 in professional costs after he pleaded guilty to twelve charges relating to failures in hygiene, maintenance and Food Safety Program monitoring in the Downing Centre Local Court.

On Wednesday 28 June 2017, Shu Yu Yun, trading as Bill’s Chicken, of Moorebank was fined under section 104 of the Food Act 2003 for ten offences relating to handling and selling food in a manner that contravened the provision of a food safety scheme and monitoring the food safety program for the business.

He also pleaded guilty to two charges under section 21 of the Act for failing to comply with the Food Standards Code.

Included in the facts tendered to the Court were photographs and observations of NSW Food Authority officers that showed rusted and corroded trolleys and benches used to transport and process chicken meat intended for sale; there was no soap or paper towel in staff change rooms to keep their hands clean, that processing equipment and utensils such as knives were unclean and there was visible rubbish and cigarette butts on the premises.

CEO of the NSW Food Authority Dr Lisa Szabo said the court result served as a reminder to all food businesses and individuals as to why food safety systems are crucial.

“Food businesses are obliged to keep their premises clean and properly maintained and ensure their food is safe and suitable for human consumption and comply with the standards in the NSW Food Act 2003,” Dr Szabo said.

“The NSW Food Authority is the only through-chain food regulatory agency in Australia, ensuring oversight from paddock to plate.

“We demand a high level of food safety is upheld across the food supply chain because it serves as an important protection measure of public health.

“NSW consumers deserve to have confidence in knowing the food they purchase is safe to eat and will cause no harm to them or their family.”

Further information about food safety breaches in NSW can be found on the NSW Food Authority’s Name and Shame register at