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Food Authority gives endangered language a voice

15 Mar 2017

When you think NSW Food Authority most people think safe food, and while that’s the end goal, the organisation is much more than that, with a broader commitment to the betterment of NSW through various avenues.

One of the lesser known initiatives is being recognised today when staff member Yeena Robins graduates from the Certificate III in Learning an Endangered Language – Gathang, run by the Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Co-operative.

The 18 month course is part of an effort to revitalise the languages of seven Aboriginal communities of the central to north coast of NSW.

Ms Robins who is a member of the Gathang people and works at the Food Authority’s Taree office was sponsored by the NSW Food Authority in completing her studies.

The qualification seeks to recognise the value and importance of local language and culture through research, publishing of accessible grammar dictionaries and developing engaging educational resources.

Ms Robins said the experience, both professionally and personally, was challenging but very rewarding.

"I am grateful for the support of the NSW Food Authority and my friends and family during the time I spent completing my studies," she said.

"It is encouraging to know my workplace values the preservation and promotion of traditional language and culture."

NSW Food Authority CEO Dr Lisa Szabo said she was a firm supporter of ensuring diversity and respect in the workplace and the opportunity to sponsor Ms Robins was a demonstration of that commitment.

"It’s an honour to play a small part in recognising and furthering the indigenous languages that form part of who we are and make up our diverse national identity," she said.

"The other benefit is in fostering and building this kind of specialised and valuable skill in our workplace we can potentially reach communities and audiences we may not have had effective access to previously.

"It’s a wonderful way of ensuring we open lines of communication and engagement with all sectors of our communities.

"I congratulate Yeena on her achievement and thank her for her commitment to bringing such valued skill and diversity to our workplace."