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Food Allergy Awareness Week 2018

11 May 2018

Show you care by being allergy aware - that’s the call to action for Food Allergy Week 2018.

NSW Food Authority CEO Dr Lisa Szabo said Australia has one of the highest rates of food allergies in the developed world and it continues to grow at an alarming rate.

“More than half a million Australians have a diagnosed food allergy and of every ten babies born in Australia today one will develop a food allergy,” Dr Szabo said.

“One of the key components to reducing risk for people who live with food allergies is making sure people are aware of them and what they can do to help.

“It really is the responsibility of the entire community to help keep people safe.

“While this is a complex field, it’s not a big ask for people whether you’re a family member, friend or a food business to know the allergy facts.

“People can be allergic to any food but ninety percent of allergic reactions are caused by just ten foods – cow’s milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, wheat, sesame, soy, shellfish, fish and lupin.”

Lupin is the most recent addition to the notifiable allergens list which means it must be declared on a food label, it becomes enforceable from 26 May 2018.

The NSW Food Authority has a number of programs and initiatives in place to help educate and inform people and businesses about their responsibilities when it comes to food allergies.

“For those individuals who live with food allergies, or carers seeking information to help someone diagnosed with food allergies, the Food Authority has various resources with hints and tips on food shopping, eating out safely and how to best manage their condition,” Dr Szabo said.

 “While food allergies can range from being merely unpleasant and inconvenient, sadly in the worst cases they can be fatal.”

Further information about food allergies for food service businesses and consumers are available at

Food Allergy Week 2018 runs from 13 -19 May.