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Food safety meeting in Sutherland

31 Mar 2016

Food safety will be on the menu when Sutherland Shire Council hosts the next Food Regulation Partnership meeting on Thursday 7 April 2016.

NSW Food Authority CEO Dr Lisa Szabo said the forum is one of a series of regular consultation events the NSW Food Authority delivers across the state.

"Food safety is the top priority of the NSW Food Authority and having direct contact like this is an effective way of providing information, education and dialogue between retail food businesses, council Environmental Health Officers, who are responsible for the inspections of food retail premises, and the Food Authority," Dr Szabo said.

"With more than 900 food businesses in the Sutherland Local Government Area, the Sutherland Shire is well renowned for its foodie scene and a diversity of food businesses.

"This is a great opportunity for the Food Authority and its food regulation partners to talk to local food businesses about issues specific to the Sutherland area and broader food safety issues."

Included in discussion will be initiatives including the Scores on Doors food hygiene rating program.

"We were thrilled to see Sutherland Shire Council join the Scores on Doors program in September last year and I would encourage people to come and see how they can achieve, and importantly – keep, a 5 star food rating for their business," Dr Szabo said.

There will also be presentations on subjects relevant to the local area, including egg safety and how to reduce the risk of Salmonella in your business

"This meeting is a chance for food business operators to come along and learn about food safety regulations and also for them to have their say," Dr Szabo said.

"Improving food safety standards, reducing foodborne illness and driving consumer confidence in the sector is a two way street."

The Food Regulation Partnership meeting will be held at the Sutherland District Trade Union Club on Thursday 7 April 2016 from 9am – 11am.