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Free range egg labelling - new national standard

3 May 2017

After a lengthy consultation period with industry and consumer groups, the new national free range egg information standard came into effect on 26 April 2017.

The new information standard, registered under the Australian Consumer Law, states the meaning of the term free range eggs as eggs laid by hens that:

  • had meaningful and regular access to an outdoor range during daylight hours during the laying cycle
  • were able to roam and forage on the outdoor range
  • were subject to a stocking density of 10,000 hens per hectare or less

In addition all eggs labelled as ‘free range’ must have the stocking density prominently displayed on the packaging.

For further information on the term ‘free range’ as well as labelling and display requirements, you can access the Australian Consumer Law (Free Range Egg Labelling) Information Standard 2017 here. You can also download the accompanying Explanatory Statement here.

The information standard has a 12 month transition period and commences on 26 April 2018.