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New FSIC chair announced

4 Jun 2015

4 June 2015

Rachelle Williams is the new Chair of the Food Safety Information Council.

In announcing Rachelle’s election, immediate past Council Chair Professor Michael Eyles, said that it was excellent to have someone of her calibre as the new Chair.

‘Rachelle has been a highly active member of the Council for over 8 years and has considerable food safety knowledge from running her own business as a food safety and sustainability coach for more than 15 years.

‘She is a Professional Member of Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology as well as a member of the Food Industries Association of Queensland, the Australian Association of Food Protection, the Food Safety Centre, the International Society of Sustainability Professionals, and the Association of Sustainability in Business. Rachelle has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Food Technology and a Graduate Diploma in Business Management as well as a Diploma of Sustainability.

In taking the post of Chair, Rachelle Williams thanked Michael Eyles for his dedication as longest serving Chair.

‘During his time as Chair over the previous 8 years, Michael has positioned the Council as Australia’s leading disseminator of consumer-targeted food safety information. I am pleased he has agreed to remain an individual member and to continue to assist us with his skills and knowledge.

‘My aim, as incoming Chair, is to work with our skilled Executive to build further partnerships so we can address the estimated 4.1 million cases of food poisoning in Australia a year. Food poisoning is a serious issue and results in 31,920 hospitalisations, 86 deaths and 1 million visits to doctors on average each year,’ Rachelle Williams concluded.

Media contact: Lydia Buchtmann, Food Safety Information Council

Tel 0407 626 688,