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South Coast plates up food safety tips

27 Mar 2018

Local food businesses are invited to attend the NSW Food Regulation Partnership’s Retail and Food Service Information Session at The Pavilion Kiama next month to learn how to best capitalise on their good reputation as safe and hygienic operators and understand the latest in food safety.

CEO of the NSW Food Authority Dr Lisa Szabo said the South Coast had established a reputation as a foodie and tourist destination and she was excited to see local food businesses embrace a culture of food safety as part of a broader commitment to excellence in hospitality.

"The session is an opportunity for business operators to learn more about the resources that are available to support them and to keep informed of food safety standards and regulations," Dr Szabo said.

"We recognise food retailers are busy people, but we also want them to be aware of what they need to know and how we can help them.

"This initiative has been developed with that in mind – it’s quick, it’s relevant and it gives people the opportunity to be in the room with the regulators in an informal and supportive environment."

Dr Szabo said the information available was relevant for established businesses, but also for those who may be thinking about getting into food retailing.

"We’re excited to announce that Service NSW will be presenting their Easy To Do Business program, a great initiative for those looking to start their own café, restaurant or small bar but not quite sure where to start," she said.

The Retail and Food Service Information Session is hosted in conjunction with Kiama Regional Council and Wollongong City Council as part of the Food Regulation Partnership.

Under the Partnership, councils undertake the physical inspections of food service and retail businesses and the Food Authority provides assistance, support and guidelines in the interpretation of food laws, consistency of inspections and technical advice.

The meeting will be held at The Pavilion, 2 Bong Bong St Kiama, from 9am -11:30am on Thursday 5 April 2018.