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Personal information

Some of the information the NSW Food Authority collects is personal information like names and contact details, or health information like symptoms and details of illness.

This may be either:

  • during investigations about food complaints
  • included in data the Food Authority must maintain such as food business notifications, or
  • other activities of the Food Authority.

Personal information includes any detail or group of details needed to identify a specific person.

Individuals to whom the personal or health information relates, and only those individuals, have rights to:

  • in some instances be the source of the information
  • know the Food Authority is collecting or holding their personal information
  • know whether they have a right to access it or request that any errors be corrected
  • know what the Food Authority is using the information for, any recipients of the information and to consent to any voluntary uses and recipients.

The rights and obligations are established by the:

The Food Authority is obliged to maintain the privacy of personal information and restrict its use, except as allowed by law or as consented to by the person to whom it relates.

The Food Authority is also empowered to exercise its functions under the Food Act 2003: see s 133H.

Note that:

  • some records are exempt from these rights
  • people may not use these provisions to get access to other peoples’ information
  • the Food Authority does not routinely disclose details of food complaints and investigations.

For more details visit the Information & Privacy Commission NSW website

Request access

Requests for Food Authority information are managed by the Department of Regional NSW.

Except in the circumstances set out in the Act, you may request access to your personal information held by the department. Access can be arranged by contacting: 


call 1800 472 679


Governance and Information Team
Department of Regional NSW
Level 2, 66 Harrington Street, Sydney 2000.