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Summer eating

Summer is a time for spending quality time with family and friends enjoying special summer treats such as BBQs and seafood.

Unfortunately at this time of year there are spikes in food poisoning. Salmonella typically doubles in the summer, compared with the winter months.

Family feasts, eating outdoors and the warmth of summer can offer the ideal environment for bacteria to grow. 

When large quantities of food are cooked and left out in the open for long periods, food poisoning bugs can spread and multiply. Fridges that are overfilled with leftovers and kept at 5oC or above also pose a risk. 

So this summer when the temperature rises remember the key food safety tips and don’t let food poisoning ruin the fun.

Food safety guide for summer eating:


Find out more

  • Choose food safety - download this poster for a few simple tips for making sure food poisoning doesn’t crash your party this summer